wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.610 -> 1.611


  • 2015/04/30(Thu) 10:25 - 2015/04/30(Thu) 10:35


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.611 (2015/04/26)
* Descriptor.getId fix in 1.610 introduced a regression affecting at least the Copy Artifacts plugin. (issue 28011)
* Search box did not work well inside folders. (issue 24433)
* Revert changes in 1.610 made to resolve issue 10629. (issue 28012, issue 28013)
* Advertise JNLP slave agents to the correct host name, even in the presence of a reverse proxy. (issue 27218)
* Advertised TCP slave agent port number is made tweakable.
* Correctly identify Channel listener onClose propagated exceptions (issue 28062