wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.611 -> 1.612


  • 2015/05/05(Tue) 22:10 - 2015/05/05(Tue) 22:20


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.612 (2015/05/03)
* Handle AbortException publisher status in the same way as deprecated false boolean status (issue 26964)
* Ensures GlobalSettingsProvider does not swallow fatal exceptions (issue 26604)
add datestamp to node-offline message (issue 23917)
* Larger minimum popup menu height. (issue 27067)
* As promised, shipping with Java7 class files. (issue 28120)
* Descriptor.getId fix in 1.610 introduced regressions affecting at least the Performance and NodeJS plugins. (issue 28093 and issue 28110)
* Under rare conditions Executor.getProgress() can throw a Division by zero exception. (issue 28115)
* The Run from the command line option for launching a JNLP slave should display the configured JVM options. (issue 28111)