wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.613 -> 1.615


  • 2015/05/27(Wed) 12:15 - 2015/05/27(Wed) 12:30


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.615 (2015/05/25)
* Improper calculation of queue length in UnlabeledLoadStatistics causing overheads in Cloud slave provisioning (issue 28446)
* Category titles in Available Plugins list appear wrong in reverse sort order (issue 17290)
* CronTab API: Timezone support for scheduling (issue 9283)
* NullPointerException when trying to reset Jenkins admin address (issue 28419)
* Reduce the thread overhead in NodeMonitorUpdater (PR 1714)
* Build history overflows (issue 28425)
* Build History badges don't wrap (issue 28455)
What's new in 1.614 (2015/05/17)
* ExtensionList even listener. (issue 28434)
* NullPointerException computing load statistics under some conditions. (issue 28384)
* Plugins using class loader masking did not work properly over the slave channel. (issue 27289)
* DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver now returns true when rejecting a takeover. (issue 27939)
* Do not follow href after sending POST via l:task (issue 28437)

