wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.606 -> 1.607


  • 2015/03/31(Tue) 18:30 - 2015/03/31(Tue) 18:40


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.607 (2015/03/30)
* JSONP served with the wrong MIME type and rejected by Chrome. (issue 27607)
* Security file pattern whitelist was broken for some plugins since 1.597. (issue 27055)
* Lock an Executor without creating a Thread (issue 25938)
* Hide flyweight master executor when ≥1 heavyweight executors running as subtasks (issue 26900)
* Way to mark an Executable that should not block isReadyToRestart (issue 22941)
* Refactor the Queue and Nodes to use a consistent locking strategy (issue 27565)
* Makes the Jenkins is loading screen not block on the extensions loading lock (issue 27563)
* AdjunctManager: exception upon startup (issue 15355)
* Removes race condition rendering the list of executors (issue 27564)
* Tidy up the locks that were causing deadlocks with the once retention strategy in durable tasks (issue 27476)
* Remove any requirement from Jenkins Core to lock on the Queue when rendering the * Jenkins UI (issue 27566)
* Prevent lazy loading operation when obtaining label information. (issue 26391)
* Ensure that the LoadStatistics return a self-consistent result. (issue 21618)
* Build reports to be running for 45 yr and counting. (issue 26777)