wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.598 -> 1.599


  • 2015/02/18(Wed) 19:30 - 2015/02/18(Wed) 19:40


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.599 (2015/02/16)
* Errors in some Maven builds since 1.598. (issue 26601)
* Build format change migrator in 1.597 did not work on some Windows systems. (issue 26519)
* Remote FilePath.chmod fails with ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletException. (issue 26476)
* Added SimpleBuildWrapper API. (issue 24673)
* Animated ball in job's build history widget won't open Console Output. (issue 26365)
* Show job name in Schedule Build column tool tip. (issue 25234)
* Allow OldDataMonitor to discard promoted-build-plugin Promotions (issue 26718)