wakameci blog

wakameci changelog

Jenkins 1.596 -> 1.597


  • 2015/01/24(Sat) 16:00 - 2015/01/24(Sat) 16:15


  • buildワーカー全台入れ替え


What's new in 1.597 (2015/01/19)
* JENKINS_HOME layout change: builds are now keyed by build numbers and not timestamps. See Wiki for details and downgrade. (issue 24380)
* Do not throw exception on /signup when not possible. (issue 11172)
* Tool installer which downloads and unpacks archives should not fail the build if the tool already exists and the server returns an error code. (issue 26196)
* Fingerprint compaction aggravated lazy-loading performance issues. (issue 19392)
* Possible unreleased workspace lock if SCM polling fails during setup. (issue 26201)
* Misleading description of the 'workspace' permission. (issue 20148)
* Run parameters should show display name if set, rather than build numbers. (issue 25174)
* Add range check for H(X-Y) syntax. (issue 25897)